Contoh surat pengunduran diri bahasa inggris

Contoh surat pengunduran diri bahasa inggris - Setelah beberapa waktu ang lalu admin berbagi tentang contoh surat pengunduran diri yang baik, sekarang admin akan berbagi lagi sebuah contoh yang sama namun dalam bahasa inggris.

Surat pengunduran diri bahasa ingris kadang digunakan apabila anda bekerja di perusahaan asing, atau anda mempunyai atasan yang mengharuskan memakai bahasa inggris. Kiranya contoh surat pengunduran diri bahasa inggris disini boleh mejadi referensi anda sekalian.

Surat pengunduran diri 01

Jakarta, (date)
Mr. ……
(company name)
(complete address)
Dear Sir…..,
I hereby convey my resignation as (your title) due to (your reason).
My resignation is not caused by any dissatisfaction with the company. On the contrary, I did enjoy my work here and had learned a lot from your company.
I wish to express my greatest gratitude for all the guidance and wonderful opportunity extended to me in gaining invaluable experience at the company.
(your name)

Surat pengunduran diri 02

Bandung, 13 January 2011
Mr Chairman
Page XXX
With Respect
With regret, I am sending this letter of resignation.
Please kindly accepted this letter as my official letter of resignation from
Web Designer position, starting from November 2, 2010.
I appreciate as much as possible the opportunity
provided as part of PTXXX for approximately one year. Not to forget I apologize to all the management of PT XXX if there are things that are not good I have done while working at PT XXX.
Hopefully PT XXX will be more successful in the future.
When PT XXX still need my energy on the transition period, I will be happy to help.
I Sincerely,

Nely Agustina

Surat pengunduran diri 03

Dear Mr. Fakri Fandy,
It is with both regret and anticipation that I submit this letter of resignation. As required by my contract of empoyment, I hereby give you one month notice of my intention to leave my position as Front Desk Agent, effective 30 March 2010.
I have decide that it is time to move on and I have accepted a position elsewhere. This was not an easy decision and took lot of consideration. However I am confident that my new role will help me to move towards some of the goals I have for my career. It has been my genuine pleasure to work for [company name] during these last 21 months.
I have enjoyed working with [company name] fine staff of professionals and colleagues. The association I have made during working here will be truly memorable for years to come. I wish [company name] continued more success in the future.
Thank you for allowing me to serve [company name] and for all the opportunity, experience, knowledge and new skill I have during my employment. Once again I wish you and all staff in [company name] every good fortune.
Yours truly,
[your name]

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